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Fly Fishing Arapaima !!! Fishing Adventure Thailand- BKKGUY


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Fly fishing for arapaima.....that is what every fly fisherman dream....

It not easy to catch them in the wild due to over fishing or netting at Amazon river.

Thailand has become a second best choice for anglers when come to arapaima fishing paradise.

Though it is still a fishing pond and not wild but to catch his beauty fish in pond is not that easy as what it look.

There are many fishing pond resorts in Thailand which offer fishing arapaima using baits which can be easy.

To catch the arapaima on lure itelf is already a challenge... to catch & land it on fly rod that's every fly fisherman's dream.

Afterall, arapaima is one of the biggest freshwater fish in the world.

Here is one of those many memorable fishing trips I guided last week.

Enjoy the exciting and actions pack youtube clip I done.


Highlights photos of the day !!!



Redtail Catfish on fly rod...



Super bending from fly rod .....



Holding bay for arapaima before release again.


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