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Everything posted by jon

  1. Top work brad, nice variety and some good fish too
  2. All seq bars can be hazardous at times and some level of experience is required for all of them but in my opinion I would be trying the Southport seaway, and steering clear of jumpin pin or south passage until you have gained some experience. Pick your day with small swells and look at the time length In seconds on the bom website or Seabreeze. The longer the wave period the better. Be sure to log in via radio before you leave and a good thing to do is join the vmr for the bar you plan on using most. Many great fish have been caught from small boats just out from the seaway especially when the Pelagics are running
  3. Nice trip well done, I agree golden trevs are great chewing. They go really well in thick cubes and thrown in to a hot green curry
  4. Nice work on the reefies fellas, good Spanish aswell
  5. Yeah I probably would but it’s all about personal preference 5000 is super heavy for Moreton bay but would be great for twenty kg gts it’s hard to get the best of both worlds out of one combo for such a different type of fishing
  6. 5000 reel should be fine for fish that size fish I wouldn’t go any bigger if you want to use it in the bay. A five k saltiga is similar to a 10k Stella and probably overkill for most bay fish
  7. Yeah I’m regretting trolling hexies for the first hour or so I should have gone straight to the livie grounds. was that you that followed me over the bar when it was still dark Around five ish?
  8. Nice haul mate you did well, I struggled today I ended up getting my bag of snapper just after you left and some Mack tuna for next trips bait but couldn’t convert a Spanish for the life of me. It’s a pitty they didn’t fire like the last two days
  9. Nice work there so thick atm there, problem is so are sharks. If I can get things sorted I might go for another run tomorrow. It’s gonna get pretty yuck in the arvo though I’ll only do a half day
  10. I went today mackies were thick at boat rock but heaps of sharks
  11. If this holds up I’m gonna go mid next week. Fingers crossed I’m so keen to get back up there
  12. jon

    Brisbane Boat Show

    Went along to it today, was pretty similar to last few years, but if you are looking to buy something new that is worth a bit eg , boats, trailers, motors, sounders or anchor winches etc you can definitely score a better deal than you would normally at other times of the year from the same outlets or distributors. The bargain bin tackle section near the entrance had pretty much the same lures/ tackle as last year and will most likely drop prices right down on last day of the show but also some of the more popular items will have sold.
  13. Does this mean all forms of prawining are now banned in the bay as well as the original areas?
  14. jon

    PNG Trip 2015

    Had an awesome time over there, never caught so many fish on the surface in my life. Accom was great , food was amazing staff and guides excellent and the fishing even better. Would highly recommend this operation anyone contemplating heading over to tackle some of these brutes. cheers sef
  15. looks like an unreal destination mate would love to get up there my self. just wondering do you take a waeco/engel with a battery/genny or do you take dry ice and eskies?
  16. jon


    From the album: my fish

  17. jon

    Profile's cover

  18. jon

    fish11 12 027

    From the album: my fish

  19. jon

    fish11 12 028

    From the album: my fish

  20. jon

    fish11 12 023

    From the album: my fish

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