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Everything posted by kmcrosby78

  1. Trackabout Safari - 2001 model but been re-sprayed and new hubs & springs and a new tent added in 2013. Meant to be rock solid so should serve us well. Setting it up in the backyard on Saturday (and probably sleeping in it overnight with my boys ) so will chuck a picture or two up.
  2. Hi all, we bought a camper trailer with boat racks last weekend (collect this weekend) so now I want to get moving on buying a car topper suitable to take to Cape York next Sep school holidays. Wanting to hear from people knowledgeable on this topic. Also, if anyone has a suitable car topper and is looking to upgrade, I have my 14ft tinny with 30hp Johnson back up for sale and am willing to swap so let me know. I am thinking 3.70-3.95m - they seem to weigh around 80kg. It won't be going on the roof of a car, just on top of the camper trailer. Any thoughts on size? I'd want reasonable depth to keep the crocs at bay ..... Engine wise I think I'd try to go bigger than 15hp - either an 18hp (Tohatsu or Mercury) or a 20hp. To save weight I'll go 2-stroke. If I buy one with a 'normal' trailer I'll probably sell it and buy a collapsible trailer so I have that option but doesn't take up extra space for storage. If you have one you're considering selling, please PM me.
  3. kmcrosby78

    Nrl 2019

    Yep, one of the worst Qld displays I have seen. Would want to be a whole lot better for the decider!
  4. Good decision to take a rod, nice work!!
  5. Plenty of smiles on those deckies faces Ray, well done!
  6. Awesome haul fellas - good to see plenty of snapper around and handy to still be able to bag a Spaniard also, well done!
  7. I'm sure it got to at least 4 or 5 degrees by the afternoon .........
  8. BTW has @Drop Bear approved this potential move ............
  9. Nice spot to pull up the van Mark and looks like you absolutely nailed the weather - nice!!!!
  10. Nice one Steve, couple of nice feeds there. Have you ever caught whiting there before - nice and close!
  11. Just build a shack on Wave Break Island Steve and then we can all visit and you can host socials .......... On a serious note, and I have no idea how much more you would need to pay, but investigate whether a unit with it's own pontoon in a canal is a viable option. I know @youngy has one and it must be so good not having to muck around at boat ramps, meaning that doing a short/sneaky session is no hassle.
  12. Beautiful day to be on the water Ray and good on you for feeding the poor starved sharefarmers .......
  13. Yep, looks very easy to monitor ........... perhaps they might put Go Card-style buttons at ramps and we need to 'swipe in' and 'swipe out' ....... (woops, I may have just given the boffins an idea .......). I think Ray is correct - it has to be a distraction (surely?).
  14. Have fun Brian, sounds like a really COOL trip ........ better take something to warm the throat at night .....
  15. There's a guy by the name of @benno573 who would be good to take out - he smells a bit (or is that the bait .....) but he certainly knows his stuff. It would also be worth keeping a regular eye on the reports a guy named Spero puts up on the Fishing Monthly website http://reports.fishingmonthly.com.au/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&p=19540&sid=d84c8ad40cbeffbf1c8ff55e1c92e366#p19540 He fishes regularly and puts up quite specific (and timely) information, particularly for mackerel, snapper, squid and whiting. Good luck - looking forward to some of your reports.
  16. Agree - great photos and a productive session there mate, well done!
  17. kmcrosby78

    Nrl 2019

    How old were you in that video Robbie??? (by the way, I reckon you've lost a couple of kilos ...... ).
  18. I'm thinking you should therefore fish more often Brian ......... Good to hear from you Sam, thanks for popping the report up and nice work. Glad all is well.
  19. Nice footage and stunning location Wayne but I've got to ask, who is the nude guy smoking the cigar on your boat ..........
  20. Sounds like an elaborate ploy to turn all the northside fish that normally finish 2nd, 3rd etc into valuable commodities ......... Just joking ..... very open to ideas
  21. kmcrosby78

    Nrl 2019

    I think it was also done as a way to shorten the total period that SOO takes/requires, so that it lessened the impact on the NRL season. Means there is a very short timeframe to prepare the team for Game 2, which just so happens to make me VERY happy (given we'll only be changing one player, have dominant halves and the 'other mob' are still deciding if they recall 'turnstile' Maloney or prodigious loser Mitchell Pearce ....... ).
  22. Great report and trip there fellas, nailed it! No long tails around? Wrong time of the year? Or just weren't targeting them?
  23. Two is better than none and no doubt they'll only improve over winter. I remembered the other day that it is State of Origin time again - are you intending organising it again this year @christophagus? Thinking three 'matches' or just one longer one?
  24. Luckily for you (two), grinner fillets make good snapper bait ........ Good luck tomorrow, looks a fabulous week to be on the water.
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