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Posts posted by kmcrosby78

  1. 2 hours ago, crazywalrus said:

    Did you end up chasing some? 

    Heading up in June Ted getting VERY excited 😁. Decided rather than add things to my Pajero to instead upgrade to a Prado that has all/most necessary things (lift kit, snorkel, dual batteries mainly) already - in a bit of a rush but hopefully will find/have it in next couple of weeks. Assuming you'd need a reasonably light rod and line to flick the lures necessary to catch them? Just going to have to see how much room we have when we pack.

  2. 4 hours ago, Old Scaley said:

    Looks like a top day out Kelvin. You had better do something special for your boys to make up for them not getting out with you. Hope you, and all the others who depend on school holidays to get out for a fish, have some good weather and great fishing over the break. Catch up soon, mate!

    Cheers Steve. Liam had the option to come but is a bit gun shy after a couple of lumpy trips where he got seasick. George is keen but with 5 already in the boat and a Broncos game that night I opted to keep his powder dry ......  Hopefully get out a couple of times next week and chase some mackerel in the bay - sounds like the spotties are currently on the surface. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Bob9863 said:

    Definitely interesting, although I think I have a solution to the current shark VS Spanish mackerel problem here although only in a purely hypothetical/theoretical solution. 

    When chasing SM and shark predation is a problem, catch one or two sharks of a legal size, kill them and let them drift off and other sharks should go after them for an easy meal. 

    That helps address the shark population problem and might keep them away from a SM on the hook. 

    Good solution although it would be interesting whether the angler would be able to get the hooked shark to the boat without it being bitten/eaten on the way in, as happens to mackerel.

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