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Another Wazza

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Everything posted by Another Wazza

  1. A 3/8 is sweet, if it’s hitting the bottom your laughing, I’ve seen plenty of nice fish caught there on plastics, your persistence will pay off eventually.
  2. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the English language butchered like that. Hey Sneaky1, your exercising a tremendous amount of restraint, more then I could ever muster, berleying up like that without sending a hook down with it, fingers crossed it pays off.
  3. Nice one Brian, once again, the early bird gets the grassie, was it all bait or did you have a sneaky little flick with the plastics?, around the full or new moon can make it hard work with plastics there, unless you can jag a day when there isn’t 30 other boats already parked there, then you can set up some nice drifts, without using a super heavy jig head.
  4. Kat, there are a few 12 step programs out there that may be of interest to you, I can see you are deep, deep in the grips of addiction. Just like a surfer chasing the ultimate wave, you will forever be chasing the ultimate fish, it starts off innocently enough though, with other cool people giving you “outfits”, and the next thing you know, you’ll be waste deep in a vast array of tackle, countless rods, and numerous reels, I’m only suggesting you seek out some professional help while this cruel obbsession is still in its infancy, there’s no hope for me, and many others on here, but it’s not to late to save yourself, hahahahaha
  5. With very little to report from my previous outings, other then a few undersized flathead, squire, grassies, and some oversized grinners, today was looking pretty much the same until a nice little schoolie took a swipe at a lightly weighted pilchard with a 5 0 suicide hook, and a half hitch around the tail that was intended for either a squire or a grassy, the poor bugger foul hooked himself, and my rod holder was quick to spring into action securing him in place until I could tend to it. He went 66cm, you can see the blood where the hook only just pinned him, not long after that, the other rod (that was intended for a mackerel) went off, it had a floating pillie on 4 0 gangs, but this time I got snipped, go figure huh?, The action was short lived though, and the breeze began picking up a little bit earlier then predicted, so I just cruised back to the ramp happy to have 1 fish in the box for dinner.
  6. That’s a rare sight these days, a relatively empty Horseshoe bay, good pic of the lizard too, it looks like he’s just launched out to attack ya
  7. Probably because our day is 24 hours long, divide that by 2, you get your 12?, I’m not too smart though, so don’t take it as gospel
  8. $1 dollar deposit, good fishing, splendid beach..... where did we go so wrong?
  9. I have seen a bloke digging up worms on the northern side of the Lota mud flats before, even from a distance it looked like it wreaked of effort, he might have been licensed and harvesting them commercially though?, I’d persist with trying to extract them off the beach before resorting to a pitch fork in the mud.
  10. Bloody hell, your sorted, I’ve got a kilo of nice pillies if needed, I’ll supply the fuel though
  11. I can make myself available, what time were you thinking of heading out?
  12. Nah, she would’ve cost too much to revive her, I went to the disco with some cheesy pick up lines and have picked up another, should be ready by Friday I’m hoping, it’s been painful seeing this lull in the weather and not being able to go out
  13. That photos gold, are you going to soak baits, or have a flick with some plastics?
  14. Just a heads up Brian, there’s been reports of grinners going from boat to boat hitting the punters up asking for a spare durrie, I’ll be sticking to landbased until it calms down a bit
  15. The neap (smaller tidal variation) tides give you a little bit more “slack” water then the spring tides, handy for fishing spots where the current usually rages
  16. I see you’ve got the grinners hooked on smoking now too, you must be a bad influence on them, and that’s a master stroke disguising blatant sabotage, as a “senior moment”, hahaha, poor Shaun, taking a tasty meal off him like that, I’m now wondering just how low you’ll go
  17. Hey Drop bear, are you going to the Swains?, I thought you were heading off Townsville somewhere
  18. At the rate he’s going his prop will be worn down to a pin wheel in no time
  19. It would’ve been one hell of a berley trail leading back to the river
  20. It’s amazing just how long some of that braid can actually last, I only recently re spooled a reel that had some 15 year old super braid on it, It had been reversed on the spool a few times, only because every time I went to change it out, I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it, it has nothing wrong with it and is still lying dormant awaiting resurrection
  21. Hmmmmm, are you implying that first, one must be a legend to boat a legal fish in the bay? hahaha
  22. That’s a tasty trio, good work
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