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Everything posted by Rebel

  1. Hi All, Went to the Doctor to try & get a clearance to go fishing. Forget it was the answer. No rock or beach fishing. Came home, went to use my printer. Died. Bought a new printer. Wouldn't work. I went to my friendly computer guy, with my printer & computer. Computer was history, not worth fixing. New computer. My Puppy is looking at me. Where is my Bream ? Cheers.
  2. Top haul. Super photos. Great to see you are back.
  3. All good advise above. We all have bad days. Make sure you use scent. I put scent on everything, including lures.
  4. Rebel


    @mangajack Getting there slowly. Not allowed to do anything till the end of April.
  5. I use Kastking Mono. Never had a problem. Also own 3 Kastking reels. For cheap reels they are ok. Cheers.
  6. Happy Easter everyone. Lots of Chockies. Since I am not fishing at the moment I had to buy Puppy a Bream. I needed a bank loan. Haven't bought fish for years. Bit of a shock. Cheers.
  7. It is all about Money. No new products, no money. I bought a Dawia reel about two years ago & Dawia mono line. Never again. I went off Simano reels & rods, because of quality. I have been buying Penn the last 3 years & haven't had any problems. The Shimano reel, the Sienna I mentioned before has been around a long time. Never updated except the price. $40 a year ago, now $80, same reel. As I said on special at the moment for $64. It is a good quality reel. Cheers.
  8. Hi All. Just shows you how prices change. I bought this reel just over 12 months ago from BCF. It is one of Shimmano's better reels. I paid $40, which was full retail. Today $80. On special for $64 at the moment. Say no more. Cheers.
  9. When I find something I want on line or where ever, I go down to my local BCF store & ask them to match the price. If they have stock. Never had a problem. Also if the goods are faulty, you can take them back for a full refund or change over. Cheers.
  10. It is the old story. Buyer be aware. I have bought reels off Alieexpress. Never had a problem. Cheers.
  11. I don't think Amazon accept Paypal. I have never bought off Amazon because of this.
  12. Hi All, M.I.A. I had to go to Hospital for Surgery. Second time in three years. No fishing for six weeks. Hopefully no more. Cheers.
  13. I use Mono all the time. Never had a problem. If it isn't broke don't try to fix it. In saying that I have never used braid. Looking at the prices I never will. I have watched guys using braid & their problems. No thanks. I go fishing because it is a top sport. Don't need problems with gear. Cheers.
  14. I gave up on Shimano reels about seven years ago. The quality dropped off & the price went up. There are better reals around, with 10 year warranties & cheaper. Having a big name brand doesn't mean it is ok. Cheers.
  15. Hi All. Arrived about an hour before low tide. Cloudy & some rain. Had the place to myself, which is great. Bit quite to start. First up a nice bream. My puppy will be happy, loves bream. Then a nice whiting Five more whiting. That was enough, for the family weekend BBQ. Bait was beach worms. Tried my new Okuma Ceymar 3000 reel. Very smooth. Off to the Norah Head coffee shop for breakfast. Another top spot. Cheers.
  16. @mzaakir I only found 37kg. Maybe there is no call for a stronger line. Cheers.
  17. @ellicat Had the place to myself. Two guys arrived as I was leaving. The great thing about the Nth. Beaches, there is plenty of places to fish. During the week there are no crowds. Cheers.
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