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Off-shore charter on Thursday

Old Scaley

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Anyone up for an off-shore charter on Thursday (16 Oct)? I have a charter booked with John Palermo leaving form Manly at 5am and heading out across South Passage bar to wherever the fish might be hanging out. I might have a spare spot. Cost is $185, but it is a great day out and we usually come home with some good fish (snapper, kingies etc)? Any interest???

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Yep, I think we have all been on some stinkers. Went out from the Tweed one year. The skipper turned up an hour late, reeking of rum, no deckie (called in sick), old frozen bait, bad gear. He took us out a few Ks offshore and pretended that this was where the fish were yesterday. He threw up over the side about 8 times, he was that hungover. Lunch was some stale biscuits and a cooked chook that you wouldn't put in a crab pot. We caught some undersize reefies and called it a day 2 hours early.

Luckily Palermo is nothing like tat - very professional and will do everything he can to put you on the fish. Never any guarantees though.

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