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im going fishing... Hail, rain or shine! ... pics

Mungrel Jack

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well, i couldnt hack it anymore, being couped up infront of the computer the last few days, and my brain was goin crazy... so i finally decided Going for a fish, hail rain or shine! Headed off to somewhere a bit different to the usual kangaroo point, and decided on Bulimba.

Well i got there about 12.30 ish and there was light drizzle but that wasnt going to stop me, actually i thought the light drizzle hittin my face was quiet nice... anyway, the tide had already peaked and was on the run out. Water looked pretty clean and i can tell there's heaps of fresh water in it and was a bit doubtful that i would catch anything. Anyway chucked in a big king prawn on the hook and in it goes... as i waited a few mins, the drizzle became big drops of rain... next thing i know i was being drenched as it began pouring down... :( The weather was really strange.. it was like 4 seasons within a 10min period.. as the fifth minute came by, the rain stopped and all of a sudden zzzzz. and yes i was on! i was using light gear so the fight was pretty good.... my suspicions were it might be a bream, but then i thought it could have been a catty... as i reeled it in closer, my rod tip went to the left, then to the right... DAM!!! i thought i may have hooked a thready!!! i was excited!! :woohoo: anyway, i slightly lifted my rod and there it was... a 29cm bream! Little bugger fought like a machine! Well stayed for about an hour after that and headed home. Its been raining heaps but appears the fish are still biting!

so to my fellow fisherman, dont let the rain put you off. Grab a rain coat, and fish hard!


cant see the drizzle but it certainly was...


looking to the right towards brekky creek


was very relaxing...


my 29cm bream... saved me from a donut!

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