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Change of plans


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My good mate Mr Alan and I were supposed to take his mate from N.T for a fish out at some of close reefs east of the seaway on Wednesday.

Due to a late we opted to duck up to Morton instead.

So we left Marrs marina around 10ish and got up to the bay pretty quick.

We've only been up there once and we must have picked the worst day, it was blowing a Gale and conditions were crap to say the least.

But on this day it was perfect, not 100% glassed out but pretty close.

First pace to drop a line was around Goat island. we gave it about an hour, with not a lot happening we decided to move over near the wreck on Peel island.

We set up for a drift from outside the yellow marker.

Baits were prawns, whole pillies, and flesh strips.

Nothing on the first drift so we ran back.

2 flattys around 40cm on the 2nd drift. Back again 2 flatty's and a small bream on the 3rd.

Then we anchored up just out from the wreck. There wasn't a keeper in the 25 or so fish that found they're way to the boat within the next hour.

Heaps of stripy's, heaps of small pinkies, and a few small bream.

Then we moved around the island a bit, with no success.

So we returned to our spot back near the wreck, by this time the sun was on its way down, and the action started to fire up.

A few better sized squire started hitting the baits, best one went 36cm

Mr Alan's rod was sitting in the rod holder doing very little when it suddenly buckled over and line started peeling off.

Poor bugger, he was only using his little rod, 10lb line with 12lb leader on a 4-6kg Uglystick.

It was no match for what ever took his bait. After a 15 minute battle trying to win back half a spool of line the rod flicked back and what was left off the line went slack.

It was getting a little late in the day and we still had a fair trip back to the boat yard so we packed it in.

We'll definitely be heading up that way again to suss out some more spots.

What a great place to fish.

If anyone has any suggestions of spots to try around the Southern end it would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey keen_as

sounds like a fairly typical day with a few keepers lots of undersized and the occasioanl

whopper strike! - as long as you enjoyed the day.

I've had some luck near there at the banana banks between peel and couchy

just have to be sure you know where the green zones are around these areas.

Good luck



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Hey keen_as

sounds like a fairly typical day with a few keepers lots of undersized and the occasioanl

whopper strike! - as long as you enjoyed the day.

I've had some luck near there at the banana banks between peel and couchy

just have to be sure you know where the green zones are around these areas.

Good luck



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