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Bait size?


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Fishing Brisbane river down stream of the story bridge, ( threadfin , Jew etc)

I use all sorts of baits from the cast net, I just wonder what size baits people would recommend?

whats the preferred bait, and the preferred size?

thanks for your thoughts!....

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For the river for Jew,threadie and flathead , about 100 mm mullet or herring.

Mullet bigger than that tend to swim too hard and are a pain to keep in the zone on light weight.

I am talking land based so in a boat you might be better off letting something a bit bigger out depending what your after, Jew will take bigger mullet.

When I use a large mullet I often end up with a shark or nothing, so I guess it pays to have a few different baits.


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any size from micro silver biddies to a nice size mullet, i have landed a 120cm+threadie on the tiniest silver biddy only about inch and a half long, the biggest jew i have ever seen boatside was taken on the biggest live squid about 500grams . as long as your bait is pulsing you are in with a chance.

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