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Fishing this part of the pine


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Hey mate, i have fished that area a heap of times in a boat. It can get very low in sections but generally speaking you can get to most places in there on low tide. I have seen masses of bait being busted up in there as well.

Of the two pools i am more of a fan of the smaller section. It's usually better on high tide because you have a lot more options. Because the smaller pool is sort of a choke point when the tide is moving you can get good results either side of the fast moving water on the edges.

We usually use this strategy and if nothings biting we use to just drift the mangrove lined banks and throw small plastics.

I should say though i havent been there since after the floods so i have no idea how that section faired.

Best of luck mate i hope you get onto a few.

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Barge is just to the left of the red marker heading upstream. never seen it sticking out of the water, can drive a boat over it at low. (i have anyway) there is another barge against the bank at same place. You can get MJ in there ( pool area) at the right time.

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