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Northern Rivers (Lismore - Ballina) Forum?


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Hey guys,

I'll be moving to NSW near Ballina in a month and was wondering if there are any forums that you know of that are actually active like this one? Have found a couple of forums, but they seem to have little to no action as of late. By no means leaving this forum as I get some great help, but wouldn't mind jumping onto a local one down that way, so I can make a few fishing mates down that way. I only know a couple of spots in the area such as the old Missingham (spelling?) bridge and a couple of clear spots on the bank, so some local knowledge would be of great benefit.

Cheers in advance,


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Cheers Dassa,

I jumped on there the other night, but noticed few posts. All good though. Will sign up and hopefully get the odd person swing by. If not, I'll start meeting people and get them going on it. hahaha. Still got this trusty old site to rely on though and I'm only a couple hours away so will be back a fair bit.

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Hey Dibbs, I go fishing down there throughout Lismore regularly for bass. If you don't have a kayak/canoe I would recommend looking around for one even on the cheap as the amount of creeks and rivers that flow through that fine part of the country is amazing and they hold plenty of good numbers of wild bass. Can also kayak the Brunswick (around Brunswick Heads) as there are a few feeder creeks that only a kayak could enter :)

I've personally fished Wilson River (and feeder creeks) and parts of Wilson Creek and there are plenty of areas throughout Lismore and the surrounds that have nice launching spots. I was down there on the weekend and it was pretty messy, but they recover pretty quickly I find. A little bit of rain goes along way in these stretches.

The best thing to do is to get a lift with your kayak to the entry level and plan an exit point as kayaking against the current is tiresome. This allows you to pretty much just drift a large stretch of water without any issues. If you want I can PM you a map with a good stretch.


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Hey Dibbs,

I am one of the moderators and co owner of NCF, so join up and jump on the forum mate, all ya gotta do is start talking and you'll get a response, although the forum is no where as active as this one, there are some good fisho's who will be able to steer you in the right direction.

I live at Tintenbar, there are alot of local creeks around here holding plenty of bass and EP's.

Go and see Squidgie and Brett at Ballina bait and tackle, they get all the local gossip on whats biting. They both write for Bush and beach magazine.

look forward to you posts on the forum mate.

Cheers. ;);)

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Cheers Dusky. I'll actually be just down the road from you then at Alstonville. Will def jump on there then and give it a whirl. Looking forward to getting there. Just being there the few times I have, has me excited about the possibilities.

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Yeah alot of local creeks are still a bit muddy from recent rains, but should clear soon.

If fishing the wilson river, fish at high tide and work the drains and feeder creeks for the best results, also spinner baits are working well at the moment.

Also small crank baits like the river to sea df 40's.

Cheers ;)

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Cheers guys,

Will def have to catch up. I have no idea how to use lures and have never fished fresh so a few tips would be great. Will let you know when I'm in town and hopefully be able to arrange a session some time.

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