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d.i = bad weather for the trip


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well headed to double island point as planed. got their friday night around 8.30 to the roar of the ocean. we set up camp and lit our fire had a good old chin wag and went to bed and set the alarm for 5.00.

beep beep beep ect. the alarm was sopunding and as i got out of bed i has hit in the face by a stiff sth-est 20knt wind. i cooked some bacon and eggs for ash and myself and waited for the sun to rise.

sun was soon rising and looking out over the ocean wasnt a good sight. very sloppy waves and and average of 2-2.5m with the odd 3m bugga and a huge sweep from sth to north.

so we change our game plan and headed to inskip point where conditions were glassed out. i set afew rods up and sent out some yakkas and whiting.

besides catching some whiting and very small taiolr nothing happened. evan though none of the bigger rods went off i still enjoyed the trip to d.i. hear are some photos..

double island point photos










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