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Charter fishing out deep sea mooloolaba is it good


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I am going on a charter boat at mooloolaba for my birthday on "Sunshine Sea Charters". The bloke said we will be going about 6km out from the wharf deep sea. I just wanted to know what type of fish to expect out there so please leave a comment if u have been deep sea round there or you have even been on this charter. I hope I can get a good understanding on what fish to expect out there

Thanks :side: :side: :side:

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6km out sounds like you'll be fishing the gneerings mate. it holds snapper and your usual reefies like sweetlip, spangled emperor and parrot. i've caught them, morwongs and mackeral off there as well (but its not the season for macks), the odd small red emperor and there are cobia and mahi mahi (wrong season again) out there too, could be a tuna or 2 out there.

have a good trip mate

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