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Fishing Woody Point - Bream and Whiting


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Hi Guys,

Been fishing woody point the last couple of weeks with good success. Been averaging 16-20 Bream each session. Ranging from 10cm-30cm which even the smaller fish give you a good fight. They hit then head for the shelter of the jetty. Sometimes I get the hopes up with the way they hit and often think for there size they are pretty strong fish. I guess the light rig makes the fight better.

Question 1:I have also been catching a few fish that I have never seen before. Yellow fins, white flesh with a black spot like a thumb mark under the torso fin? A mate thouth they might be Moses Perch? Is that possible at Woody point? Thses ranged upto a little over 30cm also.

Without doubt I am finding Burleying the key. Fishing either side of a low or High tide seems to produce more fish. I have read that chicken pellets are worth trying? Anyone used them successfully?

Question 2: An old guy on the jetty says that the winter Whiting hit shortly? I caught my first last weekend but not sure if that was a fluke. Is their a special type of rig set up or Berleying I should be using to increase my chances?

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated Fella's

Until I get a boat Im looking at increasing my land base knowledge so anyone with some tips to catch more fish consistenly I would love to hear your thoughts.



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Question 1:I have also been catching a few fish that I have never seen before. Yellow fins, white flesh with a black spot like a thumb mark under the torso fin? A mate thouth they might be Moses Perch? Is that possible at Woody point? Thses ranged upto a little over 30cm also.

Definately Moses Perch. I used to catch 5-10 per session out there.

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Hi Hein,

Im heading down this Sunday morning. I usually fish the middle covered area on the Jetty. I been averaging good amounts of Bream and Moses perch as indicated above. Definately had some fun and worth the trip. Hoping the whiting fire up around there soon.


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