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NSW RFA Turn Wharves to Fishing Platforms


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taken from FW email newsletter  27 January 2016


RFA plan to turn old commuter wharves into fishing platforms


THE Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) of NSW is pursuing the possibility of re-purposing old commuter wharves in Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay. Whilst these wharves sit idle the RFA is pursuing the NSW Government and is willing to work with local councils to help refit and re-purpose these sturdy pontoons as dedicated fishing platforms.

The RFA's position is that they are currently being wasted sitting idle when they could help alleviate the congestion in some of the iconic locations in Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay. They could also remove conflict on commuter wharves between fishers and non-fishers and slow what the RFA term “the erosion” of angler access to our foreshores.

Anyone who wants more information or to help with this initiative can contact the RFA directly through their website: http://www.rfansw.com.au/

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