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Last Minute Squid


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Well with boat troubles yesterday I jumped at a 4pm deckie offer this afternoon with my mate Rob. Pretty tired so I will make this report short and sweet and let the pictures tell most of the story...


Happy to be heading out...

2016-05-02 18.42.03.jpg

Rob off the mark early with a solid squid...

2016-05-02 18.43.19.jpg

And the next...

2016-05-02 18.45.01.jpg

Then I got on the board...

2016-05-02 18.45.47.jpg

Webt back and forth like this for a while. We tried for a squire on dusk but with squid hitting our plastics what is a man to do...

Double hook up and we called it...


2016-05-02 18.48.19.jpg

Nice way to round off a long weekend...



2016-05-02 18.48.19.jpg

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Nice one Angus, I did the same this morning (report to come, possibly tonight although I have some school work to do and like you am buggered). Was on a roll early and was thinking I might have to text you to check if there was a bag limit ...... ended up with 7.

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