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1770 Castaway Deal


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Hey everyone,

Some of you may remember the report I did a couple of weeks ago on the camping trip to 1770.

Bruce the pilot and owner of the enterprise called me to let me know until October they are offering a special deal to fishermen only.


Check the deal here: http://www.1770castaway.com.au/fishing-adventure.html

Best email:  bkgs1770castaway@outlook.com

The original report I did: 


Pretty awesome place and this deal makes it DIRT cheap.

Thought it worth sharing.



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I have been looking at some facebook vids on this place also and am very keen so I have sent email to Bruce asking for more details. If the price works out ok Andrew and myself will go. Would be a hoot if any more could join,

I will post reply when i get more details.



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38 minutes ago, rayke1938 said:

So it is actually 4 nights for the price of 2 Both Andrew and myself have a birthday in july so will think hard.



Sorry Ray that was totally my misinterpreted summary. Hope it works out. You will like it I think. On top of the obvious lure fishing we saw huuuge schools of big whiting and there are yabby holes everywhere.


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