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North Brisbane Land Based/kayak Hotspots


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I recently bought a kayak and have been taking down to my local creek (Cabbage tree) around the mouth and a little downstream haven't had to much luck few big mullet and a little cod. Anyway i was just wonder where are some good spots close to sandgate I don't have a car so closer the better. Also whats some good baits/lures for the area cheers! 

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The pine of course is quite close to you, launch at the bridge and turn left and go upstream,  but if you looking for smaller water, you will need to travel a little, I really like the south pine launching behind Strathpine shopping centre and going upstream,  little boat traffic and 6 knot limit anyway. 

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Hello jcoun

Try the trawler moorings in cabbage tree creek (yak based) - small plastics flicked into the shade of the hull or sunk towards the mooring should produce a bream or two... Tides in cabbage tree creek dont really matter ive caught fish on the rising, falling, low, high.

In that area a landbased option if u cant go yakking is the sandgate foreshores - find a deeper nearshore gutter, fish at high tide, use live worms on a standard whiting rig - and u sjould get a few legal whiting and bream.. Best ive done on the foreshores is 14 legal whiting n bream and a heap of throw backs all in 2hrs (landbased).

The fish are around there, u just need to put in the hours to get the smiles :) good luck

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