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Aus Day On The Bay


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Well hit up the bay with @Drop Bear with the goal of getting some mixed species and hopefully some crabs. Crabs were a bit of a disappointment. I am no expert at all but the location we chose I had been eyeing off for ages. Lots of mangroves and rock walls close by etc and did not appear to get flogged. Anyway the result was 0 from from 6 pots. Not even an undersized jenny! So need to rethink that persuit.

Fishing was average but enjoyable. Plenty of moses perch and a couple of cod. No pictures except of the end result. Was one of those morning where we were like "um we will take a picture of the upgrade" but the upgrade never came.

So not the best result but an amazing morning aesthetically on the water. Not only was the dawn impressive but we saw turtles and dugongs etc.


Aus Day snack.




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