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On 17/9/2023 at 11:54 AM, Kado said:

Just wondering what is the best time, weather and bait to fish for shark of jetty in the Yorke and EP

Never fished down there but I have seen plenty of people using salmon live and dead and snook for big bronzies. For bull sharks up in brisbane i like early mornings and evenings for finicky feeding sharks but most of my sharks come during the middle of the day when the sun is shining. High pressure seems to give better results than low pressure. 

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Live bait is the best, but large fillets of barracuda or mullet work good too.

Live mullet would work really good if you can net some, you want them the size of your hand.

I like drifting under a balloon but you can fish the bottom as well.

I find night the best time, sundown to midnight was always my preferred routine.

I also like about 1m of 400lb fluorocarbon leader instead of wire.

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