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Hi All.

My names Brenton.

Im a pretty keen fisho here in South Australia, usually targetting King George whiting, squid and snapper once theyre  allowed.

Im planning on doing a trip through Qld soon, possibly as far as Tinaroo, and looking fr tips and guidance, though as this area is fairly new to me I have no Idea of what to expect and where,

incluidng conditions affecting the different species I'd encounter or want to target. Ive caught a few Barra in the NT but would love to target some Toga also if possible.

Ill probably get to the coastal areas nearer Gladstone or Rockhampton before heading up the coast and near coast areas.

I probably wont have time to work out what works best for any one area, so wanting to maximise my chances of course, and hopefully meet up with some like minded Fishos too. Ill be ttravelling in a camper Hiluix and towing a 4 meter Tinny.




Edited by Adelaide Fisho
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Hook up with one of the guides at Rocky...what you learn there will be applicable for the entire Qld salt water scene as far as barra and threadies goes...snapper are too easy, find a reef and throw a 90mm plastic in front of them.

River togas are where it is at rather than impoundment togas....again ask the guide at Rocky for some rivers that have been fishing well.

Rocky to the coast is about the best fishery along the east coast now for big fish....

If you have time spare and the weather isn't blowing it's tits off then Stanage Bay is a special place...when it fires...for me it is 2 out of 6 runs I couldn't buy a bite, the other 4 runs were excellent.

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  • 2 months later...

I've heard Tinaroo and the coastal areas around Gladstone and Rockhampton offer some fantastic fishing opportunities. It's cool you're targeting King George whiting, squid, and snapper—similar to what you fish for in SA. The idea of chasing Barra and Toga up north sounds exciting, especially with your camper Hilux and tinny setup.
Speaking of travels, I recently explored Germany, particularly Frankfurt and Munich. One thing that stood out was their super-efficient railway system. It made getting around so easy—wish we had something like that everywhere! Check out this link for German train schedules and bookings: https://www.dbfahrplan.com/de/

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