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Everything posted by Dinodadog

  1. Gee I thought this would be gone in seconds.
  2. It will be a long time before the other knee gets done, new hip on same side next.
  3. Well after 8 agonizing weeks through pain in my knee and pain of not holding my rod, I finally made it out to the dam for a fish this morning.Young Luke volunteered to assist me, thankyou again Luke, the fresh air (most of the time ) was very rewarding.Whish we could say the same for the fishing.Water was gin clear and you could see the bottom in 15ft. Although it was good to see turtles,tilapia, lungies etc moving about the bottom, not to many other fish or baitfish were spotted. Trolling resulted in very few and casting wasnt much better.Thank goodness Luke had to be home early and we threw the towel in around 9.30am (didnt start till nearly 7am) and I never complained one bit.I was asleep in minutes of arriving home after my first day out. Dino
  4. I have already purchased the SLX DC, Only reason for selling is my fat thumb doesnt fit the reel to well, so I tend not to use it.Going for my first fish this morning, been 8 weeks, leg still very painful, dont know how long I will last.If I need to do a number 2 i will be home very early or Luke will have to hold one leg up while I go
  5. Some good by catch in there, MRC,yellas and toga.
  6. Just not getting the use it needs, I tend to stick to the spinning reels.Purchased 6 months a go on special for $420, willing to part with it to a good home for $300.It has only seen fresh water about 3 times. Google it they are a magic reel. No more wind knots,overruns,tangles etc. Dino
  7. Where were you 50 years a go. I know a lot of you were not around then. I was just out of corp training in the army and was sent to Shoalwater Bay near Rockhampton.When I arrived I found out that myself and 2 other privates had to feed 253 soldiers. As the oldest I took charge and one of the first things I got done was to get the walk in fridge cleaned out.Unknown to me a 20lb cod was taken out of the fridge and left on the table and got flyblown. Staffsargent that caught it was not very happy. While I was there I saw the moon landing on a 12 inch black and white TV. Few days later 4 of the top brass went on a fishing trip and caught 300 bream,They thought they would just dump them at the kitchen for the cooks to clean,wrong I said bring them back when they are scaled and gutted.Then the 3 cooks grilled them whole and each person got a whole fish and vegies.I thought I might get into trouble for making the top brass clean their catch, but they promoted me to corporal when we returned home. Dino
  8. Puts my 53 pounder off the south wall Ballina to shame.
  9. Do you want it for salt or fresh. Try Kings in Sydney they have specials all the time.
  10. Gee Ray you trying to hurry me up to get back out there,I cant even sit in front of the computer for more than 2 minutes, big think before I commit to getting the other leg done.
  11. I have caught 40cm bream in 30cm of water in a rock pool on the southern side of flat rock with massive waves breaking right in front of me.It is a nice place alright.
  12. Blooxy exercises are killing me,but I'll get back out there one day
  13. Alright alright you have me climbing the walls.
  14. Its on the op side of the river to the town near the south wall, it goes under with big tides.
  15. I used to catch jew off the south wall, best was 53lb caught on a king prawn. What we did most of the time was to throw a heap of bread in the water and jag a live mullet and use it for bait.I wasa pastry cook in Ballina in my younger days and spent most arvos fishing.There is usually some good luderick off the porpoise wall also.Its a nice place, my only complaint is the river runs to fast. Dino
  16. I try to keep it short and sweet with a bit of info for others, I am a one finger typer. To each their own lets not try and covert people to be academics.
  17. I purchased 2 of the 1000 reels for jigging bass as I didnt need much line on them. I can say they are doing the job just fine, they were on special for 25 dollars each, it was a no lose situation. Dino
  18. yes use very small hook only one hook allowed in QLD
  19. lake K from the edge on worms for tillies
  20. My mate Wallyfly caught a rod up at baroon dam, it was a baitcaster, when he reeled it in it had a bass on the end with the line wrapped around it, cutting it nearly in half, but was still alive, released to live another day. I found a baitcaster up there also with a 6000 eggbeater reel on it and the lure still attached, I got the lure, Luke got the rod for cleaning the reel and my son got the reel for open water fishing. Just recently I found half a rod up there as well. I might add I have donated a nice baitcaster outfit to the depths up there as well. Also down at Wangdang Illawarra I saw a flash in the water and cast to it while I was flathead fishing one day, result one kids rod and reel with a big bream on the end of it. My best by far was when the water went down to 15% at NPD I hooked a few bundles of lures all in tight balls some balls were worth $200 dollars. Near the dam wall, while casting spinnerbaits,heaps of jackal lure amongst them (i think a lot of them were already mine Dino
  21. Ray and Andrew are away at the moment,I could be talked into it.When do we have to pay by. Dino
  22. Thanks Joe I am aiming for a bigger one next time
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