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Drop Bear

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Everything posted by Drop Bear

  1. I only have a smaller one. It is a bit rough and old so will grab a new one. They look great. Thanks so much for all your suggestions. Greatly appreciated.
  2. I will be providing all the gear. That way I don't have to pay for the fuel
  3. It has taken me a few days to look through all those suggestions. Thanks so much mate. Now my tackle boxes will be filled to the bream haha.
  4. Thanks Ed, Perhaps I need 2 x 20s and x 30s... I think the boats would be able to chase them but I don't think the skipper is very experienced. What class line would you suggest?
  5. Thanks mate they look good. I will grab a few for sure. Will try them out in the bay.
  6. Trip is in September. So a long way away. I will need to purchase a couple of set ups. The muddies were not thick and when the wind kicked in I pulled the pin and pulled out the pots. The 3 we got were delicious and worth the effort. I think it is time for me to upgrade my pots however. The old ones are more patched holes than original net with rusty rings these days
  7. Nice. nearly 2 hours. I think I will watch that one with a beer... or 2
  8. Have a great time mate. I hope this wind drops and you can get some Macks
  9. Hey gang, Hope you are all doing well. I have the opportunity to travel up to Lady Musgrave from Brisbane on a flybridge. It is a holiday for most of the people and they all like to have a go at fishing but don't know much. I had had a few reds when I invited myself and talked up fishing as they go along. When I woke up I realised I don't really have much experience trolling above 8 knots and I need your help. The boat cruises at about 12 knots. I have plenty of skirted lures but what other lures could I use? The boat has large outriggers so I want to tow a spread of 5. I have enough rods but I think I need to upgrade a few reels and thought I'd get some more Tyrnos 20s. (Should I get 30s?) Also what is a good middle line vlass, I was thinking 40lb. If you have any ideas, or if you can direct me to any videos or websites it would be great appreciated. Photo for attention we got some crabs but not many fish this week. Sorry southside.
  10. Actually I would like to catch a fish for the comp
  11. This is last years "My goal for 2021 is to make it to 2022 If I can I would like to catch some more fish on lures on the rods I bought from Angus cause they are fun." So I caught a few on one of the rods.... Then I lost it out of the boat... Goal for this year is to catch a fish on the new shellfish reefs and release it.
  12. How long you down at Tally? Are you still there after the 1st?
  13. Great to see they are there. I am heading to Straddie tomorrow so hope to get a feed then. I hope I have more luck than you with the mackerel and squid
  14. Cracking trip mate! Well done. How are the scorpion cod? I have caught plenty but never taken one. I hear they are good. Well done, such a great looking eski.
  15. Wow so nice. Well done mate. Cracking fish and great report.
  16. YYYYUUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! That's a cracking effort well done!!!
  17. I hope they have the word restoration somewhere in there... Unlike the Moreton Bay one.
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