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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Another thought. Do you own the house? If so, just fill the V with soil, compact it and get the driveway re concreted. Problem solvered. (pun on an old paint brand called solver).
  2. Mate. Looking at your diagram I would suggest some solid flat metal ramps. i have no idea how to sketch like you guys but just imagine two planks (one for each wheel) spanning the crevasse in your drawing. In other words put a metal plank over the V so that you have a relatively flat section to reverse over. Then chock the trailer wheels before uncoupling the trailer from the vehicle. The planks would obviously have to be strong enough to take the weight of the trailer and vehicle. But then again, after a few reds, I could be wrong. cheers Greg
  3. Thanks Old Scaley (lovely name by the way). I got it working but you don’t put the @ in front. cheers Greg
  4. Thanks Old Scaley. Now how exactly do I contact someone on here?
  5. I just joined OzFish too and got the same goodies
  6. Now that sounds like one of my fishing trips! However, the only difference is you actually managed to catch something! lol It could be worthwhile me keeping a diary though, if only to advise people where and when not to fish.
  7. Hi all, just attaching a link to a current report re crabs and fish in Moreton Bay. Most of you probably already get these but just posting for those that don’t. cheers Greg https://www.bnbfishing.com.au/mud-sand-crabs-moving-moreton-bay/?mc_cid=08a39f1d2b&mc_eid=47674f88e7
  8. Thanks Fishaman. Much appreciated. Just what I was looking for.
  9. Yeah. Could be ellicat. The designs just looked very good and unlike anything I’ve seen but I haven’t used snorkelling gear for many years so that might be standard these days.
  10. Try going to gandlb.com.au Then click on pre-owned. It’s the first one.
  11. Found this website which seems to have high end snorkelling gear. I never knew such gear existed but it certainly looks like the way to go if you can afford the prices asked. Just posting in case someone is looking for gear at the moment and once again I am not recommending this site. I know nothing about it. cheers Greg https://ninjashark.com.au/pages/australia-day-sale
  12. Yeah. My casting is pathetic too. That’s why young people exist. To cast for us!
  13. Electronics look pretty crap though and would need updating in my opinion
  14. This looks like a good buy. Mind you, I have never sighted the boat, know nothing about It and am certainly not recommending it. Just thought I’d share. cheers Greg https://gandlb.com.au/boat/243296/cruisecraft-resort-600-2002-my/
  15. Love to join you KM, if only my boat would finally get finished
  16. Hopefully the below link will take you to a current report re prawning around Brisbane. cheers Greg https://www.bnbfishing.com.au/greater-brisbane-prawning-report/?mc_cid=69c9eafe97&mc_eid=47674f88e7
  17. My two bobs worth, for what it is worth, is that you’re absolutely bonkers overpowering a tinny. Quick way to an early grave.
  18. I imagine 4 adults in a 4m boat would be a bit bloody cramped anyway!
  19. GregOug

    Site Down?

    No problem. These things happen. Actually another problem that just started to happen, at least for me, is that items that I have already read are showing up in my unread list again. But only from November last year backwards for some reason. I was working my way backwards through all items from the past year but now there are hundreds of already read items showing, which is a bit frustrating. cheers Gerg
  20. Yes, guides it is. Thanks Ellicat
  21. Thanks Hamish
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