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Everything posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hi jon Ripper trip. Its a bugger about the engine but at least you still caught some marvellous fish. YUM! Good job on it all, the fish alone look great with all the colours. Shane69 seemed to have done exceptional, as well! Cheers Hamish
  2. Hi Cobiaaddict For my line I cast out deep (heavy one for threadfin/bullies), I use a size six ball sinker. As well as aiding with my cast, it keeps the bait steady. For cod, flathead, bream, perch, and just in general on my smaller lines, I use a size 2/3 bean/ball sinker. Once again, it is mainly because of the run/depth. To answer the question, I've had more fish on the lighter sinker... But when the heavier line goes off, it's normally a good one! Cheers Hamish
  3. Hey ellicat That is a good session - for the bait gathering and a good fish. I had a pupil free day in school today, hence why I wrote my quick report. I also spent my evening cleaning the scout dunnies... my dad agreed to employ me but I am on probation until I show him I can do it (once that happens, the rates are $20/1hr). You'll be slaying the snaps with your good baits once the season is back on... Hopefully you'll get some bigguns! If you get some squid, there'll be the added bonus of calamari too. Are/did you eating any of the catch? Cheers Hamish
  4. Yep, true ellicat. Some free lead for me!! Cheers Hamish
  5. Hi Jaz44 Yes, I believe crabs will hide in the muddy, rocky areas. I have seen people just find them walking along a headland in a barra fishing show (episode of iFish). He literally picked it up, right from his feet! Fresh bait will get the best result, like most things. Remember to tell us how you go! Cheers Hamish
  6. Hi all I went out for another session on the river, this Sunday. It was very quiet. I got no fish. There were also a lot of pickers. I'll still do the quick report though, seeing as though it was a session. I left for the park at 2:25PM, and arrived a bit past half past. The lines were put in, baited with fresh dead prawn. On the first throw of the cast net, I got none, but on the second throw, up came a couple of live prawns. I wasn't getting very many prawns, which was surprising, as when the tide is dead low it's normally a good time for them. I got a couple more though, so at least I had some OK livies. My Sienna reel wasn't at the spot either. I was using my brother's Shinobi (Diawa) on a graphite stick. I dropped it down into the cod spot, and it almost immediately got pickered. I'm assuming there must be hoards of baby bream, toadfish, and other assorted small fish that hang around the pylons as I can never hook them, even with a tiny whiting hook, and they eat my bait immediately. The cod, bream, flathead, salmon, and whatever else is under there must gouge themselves on the baits! I kept getting pickered, and also did some more cast netting. The line out deep had one average looking hit, but I'm assuming it was either a small river perch/picker. I then got some glassies in the net, which I reluctantly pinned onto the salmon line (seeing as though the prawns just kept getting pickered). On the hate scale, these are 10/10!!! I kept fishing through the arvo, for not much of a result. On one of the casts in the net, I got two small silver biddies. One went in the cod spot, whereas the other went on the salmon line. The cod one immedialetly got destroyed, by what I assume were toadfish, while the salmon one remained untouched for the whole session. I was eventually checking the line out in the middle (tide had changed causing it to drift downwards towards the jetty) and I felt some weight on the end of it. I thought I might have a catty on, but as it turned out it was some old line (not mine). I can tell because it had two sinkers - never have I used to sinkers at this spot, LOL. I chucked it in the bucket though, so I can/could bin it. Here it is (I got a photo so it wasn't a pictureless report ). BS After that, I needed to go to the dunny. I really didn't want to, as the ones at the local park are, well, not very good, but I did anyway. Luckily, the one I went in was quite clean. When I came back, my mate only reported one big/good hit on the rod in the channel made by the jetty/boardwalk, which unfortunately didn't hook up. It wasn't looking very good at all, and I was quite sad that it was another donut session. I don't think this spot fishes very well in Winter, opposed to Summer! Towards the end, we saw a piece of someone's pontoon/mattress/something floating along, about 20-30M out. I desperately cast for it, hoping to hook it. Each time, I was about 50cm off! (It wasn't the biggest thing). There were no more fish for the day, and at 5:25PM I had all the gear away and started to leave. Overall, it wasn't a bad three hours out of the house, but it certainly could've been a bit more fun! I hope you all enjoyed this report, even though nothing really happened. Here are the stats for anyone's reference - Statistics of trip - Tide: Last of run out, first of incoming - 9:40AM, 1.7M, high, 3:50PM, .2M, Low, 10:20PM, 2.3M, high Moon Phase: Third Quarter - very close to New Moon Weather: Sunny, somewhat chilly late afternoon Wind: Very light winds Fish caught: - Bait caught: Prawns, glassies, and silver biddies Bait used: Prawns, glassies, and silver biddies (both live and dead) Tackle Used: 10lb, 14lb, and 30lb braid mainlines, 20lb and 30lb fluorocarbon leaders, 80lb mono trace, size 2 and 6 ball sinkers, large barrel swivel, size 4/o suicide and circle hooks, 8" Ugly Stik rod, 2M Rogue Firepoint boat rod, size 2500 Shimano Nasci and 2500 Diawa Shinobi, and size 650 Penn reel. Cheers Hamish
  7. Good session, rayke1938... And those are some ripper action shots and photos!!! Cheers Hamish
  8. That's pretty cool, rayke1938. It's good the eagle is cleaning up the barred grunter as well! Cheers Hamish
  9. Hopefully you and shaun1800 manage a heap, ellicat! I’ll look forward to the report Cheers Hamish
  10. Thanks for the great tip, Jaz44. I didn't finish it off today, but I will tomorrow (no school as it is a pupil free day). Hi Dinodadog Thanks for the great tip. I got it from 'Santa' but I'm sure he would have the receipt Cheers Hamish
  11. Hey Another Wazza Thanks for the tip, I'll keep an eye out. Cheers Hamish
  12. Hey Leosonfire Yep, it's a three year ban I believe. I've heard about it on the news. You'd have to think there'd be a some people taking them still, either unknowingly (I doubt it) or illegally... And I have heard that since snapper suffer from barotrauma they don't release as well. I do support the close season though, it is important to let our fish re populate! Cheers Hamish
  13. Hi Ed. That's no good, hopefully the motor is easily fixed! Sorry to hear about the bad day. Real pity... Cheers Hamish
  14. Hi GregOug Bugger. Annoying you didn't get any fish in the day. Hopefully you manage to find new ground where you can still pull up a few soon! I donuted too this weekend Cheers Hamish
  15. Yes, that is ellicat. It would be one of the only ways to get awareness out who aren't on social media and may not know about the closure. While it would be disappointing to not be able to target them (if you were unaware and came to the ramp ready for snaps) it' better than breaking the law.. Hey Cobiaaddict Great day out, jeez, you would've been flying along at sixty! Cheers Hamish


    From the album: Brisbane River



    From the album: Brisbane River



    From the album: Brisbane River



    From the album: Brisbane River

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