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Everything posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hey Breaming with bro That is a good cull there, you got rid of some bigguns! Nice job I still need to tick of tillies from my bucket list... I think some local creeks may have some Cheers Hamish
  2. Hey FishyBoy184 I no next to nothing, but here are some threads @ellicat was talking about. And @GregOug, that sounds like a lot of big jew come from there, and heaps of fun... Apparently I'm 'too young' for rock-hopping yet! Cheers Hamish
  3. Rightio Dinodadog, I'll know NEVER to do that in the kayak if I ever land one. Probably would be taking it to the shallows to deal with any one I caught. Cheers Hamish
  4. Hey Leosonfire I couldn't find too much, but did find a little report on Ausfish - http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php/95763-King-Island-Tuesday-Night Good luck, Cheers Hamish
  5. Hi ellicat Now, that looks great. I love the new livie tank. I'm sure the livies you get will be ripper bait. Anything live seems to work better! Cheers Hamish
  6. It's not looking good everyone. Those absolute clowns of people who came up with a positive result seemed to have spread it.. LOTS. I hate to say this but I think it might be back in lockdown soon https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-30/coronavirus-queensland-three-women-ongoing-investigation/12503248 Cheers Hamish
  7. Hey a-frame81 Well, a sit-in is straight away more tippy and cumbersome when fishing as it is hard to grab anything. We use a sit-on-top and it is much easier to paddle around, deal with gear, etc. I have been out in crap weather once, you get pretty wet. A sit-in wouldn't make/doesn't make a difference. Cheers Hamish
  8. Hi xander mate I'm no experienced boaty, but I know I'd want a bigger boat. That size boat is best for flat waters, creeks, small rivers, etc. I wouldn't be taking it in any chop either. Cheers Hamish
  9. Hey Dinodadog Nice session there, it must've been a good variety. Did you get a photo of the lungfish? How do they fight? (I'm very curious because I've never really heard about them, apart from the fact they're rare and protected). Cheers Hamish
  10. Hi Old Scaley Shame about the donut. but at least you got out. Sounds like a fun session. Have you found it to be more efficient bait fishing or luring for lizards? Cheers Hamish
  11. Exciting news, a-frame81. I hope to hear of some future stories about it. Cheers Hamish
  12. Hey rayke1938 That is a good feed, they would've been very yummy. Shame about the boat cleaning though. Cheers Hamish
  13. Hey Kat Yes, I catch my own live bait. In a cast net. I am based in Brisbane and mainly fish the Brisbane River. A cast net is a tricky task to learn. It will take a while to get it right. I still can't make a very good throw. Yabbies would probably be a better bait for bream, whiting, flathead, etc while a live fish would most likely get a trevally or jewfish. There are plenty of people who know more than me on this. They'll be happy to help. Here is a little video on pumping yabbies on what you might want (just a couple tips mainly) - https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+pump+yabbies&rlz=1C1GCEB_enAU886AU886&oq=how+to+pump+yabbies&aqs=chrome.0.0l8.7196j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_djchX_TrF-Kf4-EP2eC7gA428 Cheers Hamish Here
  14. Hi Puttee If you are doing jigging (I'm assuming you're going to want a cast) maybe an 8-9 foot long rod will be OK. It won't get you over the surf, but if rock fishing I'd think you would want to still have a good bit of strength in the rod. Cheers Hamish
  15. Nice job, Breaming with bro. Apparently Sooty Grunter are a very aggressive fish, which is why I assume you are catching small ones. Where there are small ones there are hopefully some monsters too! Is it barra country at Dotswood? You may get a big freshwater barra! Cheers Hamish
  16. Hi Kat First up, welcome to the forum. There is SO much good information on here, just use the search bar in your top right corner. Type in a key word, look through the results and you're bound to find a bit. Nice job on cleaning the breambo too, you did a good job. In general, when using live baits, (i.e. mullet, herring, silver biddies), you will pin it through the nose or mouth. When using shrimp or prawns, through the tail. Other things, i.e. dead prawns, pippies, etc, I just pin it through twice. The main thing is to make sure you have an exposure of the hook tip. This helps with hooking up to fish. Snags are hard to avoid, but if you fish the same location the same time a few times you will normally figure out where to cast/where not to cast. If you are using lures, a weedless soft plastic will not get snagged. This is basically a soft plastic lure with no hook exposure. Here is a link to rigging - I don't know many GC locations, but any public jetty or sandy beach is a good starting point. Cheers Hamish
  17. Hey Dinodadog Fab sesh, there's some OK ones in there for a quick session! Cheers Hamish
  18. That is a classic Dad joke right there kmcrosby78. LOL. Cheers Hamish
  19. Wait, the real question is - Did you score any whiting??? Cheers Hamish
  20. Hi Leosonfire It looks like some kind of wrasse to me. I am unsure of just what species though. I'm sure someone will know exactly. Cheers Hamish
  21. Very nice job Ed. It looks great. It sure will be handy to have around! Cheers Hamish
  22. Same here Breaming with bro. I have learnt a load on rigs, baits, and that sort of thing. Yeah, very true Cam. It is only positivity on here! Cheers Hamish
  23. Maybe there should be a new section in the comp - Biggest Vermin - So far GregOug is leading with his Toad!!!! Cheers Hamish
  24. Yeah, game on. The Southsider's will flog you fellas though, we will catch the 3 metre flatty!!! Good luck on your whiting trip this arvo though too! I also think we can officially say the sledging has started. LOL. Hi benno573 I'm only good for catching bait at the moment, but that will be bigger than what the Northsiders can gather up! (My sledging needs work ). Cheers Hamish
  25. Hi Breaming with bro I'm sure christophagus will correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it is the largest fish. For example, if Team Southside got a 40cm bream, but team Northside only ends up with a couple 15cm bream, Southside would win the for the bream. There are lots of different species. Whichever team has the most larger species wins. (Obviously the Southsiders will win ). Cheers Hamish
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