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Tuna are fish

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Posts posted by Tuna are fish

  1. 21 hours ago, Thorbjorn Hale said:

    Hi i recently caught my first threaddy from the Brisbane river on a live mullet. I am hoping to catch some more so any spots, baits and techniques would be greatly appreciated.  i live in Bulimba so any spots near there would be good.

    thanks Thorbjorn

    i am defienly no expert but i have caught quite a few up in karoomba, some of the people staying next to us went on the charter and they told us that the best way to catch them is to use a size 4 - 5 hook and put on a piece of shark then prawn.  idk why this order but if they did anything else they did not catch, they mainly targeted thredfin and caught around 20 size ones in an hour so it works quite well.


  2. 2 hours ago, Mylesfisher said:


    ok, first thing, what is the seaway (not joking).  also why would you sell the 3.5 would it not be better to chuck a 6hp or something on it, it would get you further, but as said before, it is not very safe even on a good day unless you plan everything, such as when the tide is going out the current will change and make it harder to come back in, so if you are going to go make sure you time it.  and keep safe

  3. 20 hours ago, tugger said:

    Last week we hit a weather window at the Bunker group and found the Coral Trout on fire. They were good size and plenty of big Red Throat Emperor turned on too. Just 1 legal Red Emperor made the box along with Maori Cod, Moses Perch and Tuskies. The weather was exceptional one of the best trips ever for me.

    How big is your chilly bin to fit all those fish.

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