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i remember now


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on saturday morning, i met up with of a few of the lads for a fish along shultz, we went from nudgee road to the barge, as well as going bush too, jeez one of the lads even went for a swim,:( stood in a drop off at the waters edge,with a big tide.. i think i got 1 bite the whole time, but not really sure about that, it was good to meet some of the other addicts too, seem like a good bunch:) around lunchtime we all bid each other farewell and went on our merry way. i came home, got the boat ready, hooked up the car, and off i go to manly.. a bit of wind around, not much, not many trailers in the car park, all,s good so far, no white caps in the bay, so i head off out of the leads of manly, i spot a wind change and slow down a bit, then a bit more, sloppy but ok, i gets to harry's and anchor on a mark i have sounded out, not much activity, but life down there.so i get the berley happening first, then rig the 2 rods, 1 with a live poddy mullet the other with a pillie, i checked the gps for tides and moon phases, i got hours to kill:ohmy: moon came up at 10 and the tide change was at 11.30, but it was only 6.30.ah well, here now, keep berleying, checking baits, a few crabs around atm out there.so here comes the moon, really berleying now, with a 1.6 mtr high it was roaring out here, i had to cast up front of the boat let it hit bottom somewhere beside the boat, feed out line, then reel it all back in, over and over again, the livie was just a floater, so i didn't need to worry about him too much, so after the tide change, i had decided enough was enough and came back with my tail between my legs so to speak. it was a bit of a disapointing trip, but you get that sometimes, i think i will stick to offshore fishing in the future though, and the river in my tinnie for the catfish;)i remember when i bought my boat, it wasn't to fish in the river or bay, as prev boat was excellent for that sort of fishing, and after comming home with 30 reefies the other day, it just gets me down..

so it's offshore or bust;)

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