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newest members.


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I am a bit confused with the newest members list and the counter associated with it.

eg this morning it said 3 new members with melanie as the newest but in the total members it listed seahorse as the latest.

Nor it says 1 new member for today and gazza as the latest and the last.

I am not being pedantic but just curious how it works.

The best thing is how the membership is growing maybe we need a comp every 6 months to keep our profile in the public eye.

Wont if be great when we have enough members to be self supporting with full time staff.

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Hey Ray,

In the Newest Anglers column the Anglers name appears once they have filled our their registration. However, it does not appear nect to \"Last:\" until they have confirmed their account.

Thus the reason that in your eyes it appeared to jump a few members without acknowledging them, this is because although they have filled in their details they are yet to confirm their account.

Hope this helps.


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