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advice on Hervey Bay


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hey guys,

i'm heading up to Hervey Bay this weekend and will be taking my fishing rod with me.

Just wanting to know where the best spot to catch some bream would be? every time i go up there we end up on the urangan pier and come home with nothing but wind-blown hair!

is there anywhere out at pt vernon worth a look maybe? can you even fish out there near the boat ramp still?

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last time i was up there you could still fish in the rock canal at gatakers bay boat ramp/restaurant, altho i heard they were doing some work on the ramp itself, no reason u can't sneak there at night, but in saying that i also can't see them closing the area off ... when we lived there years back, fishing that canal at night with unweighted baits _always_ caught bream, with quite surprising side catches. u can even cast net herring there. just watch your gear and the tide at night, take my word for it :D

also night time around the trawler docks in the boat harbour at urangan. not sure if they let u in anymore tho. and once again unweighted baits do the damage. good spot to get out of a most winds

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Theres a lake in eli waters up near the end of the estate, or theres a creek near the dump before you go out point vernon, id go incoming tide at both places.

The lake can be suprising, the fish can swim in with the tide and grow up then cant get out, theres some monster rays in there too, otherwise pop out to river heads but its not much chop without a boat.

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Might see you at Point Vernon, Kelly. I am heading up tomorrow to drop the mother-in-law home (not a minute too soon)and will be coming back on Saturday. Was thinking about towing the boat up, but can't justify the extra petrol for one trip out, so will stick around the rocks at Gatetakers. If you try out front from the restaurant - at the very end of the channel into the private boat ramp- with bait and a good long cast you can sometimes get average size reefies like parrot and sweetlip.

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Old Scaley wrote:

Might see you at Point Vernon, Kelly. I am heading up tomorrow to drop the mother-in-law home (not a minute too soon)and will be coming back on Saturday. Was thinking about towing the boat up, but can't justify the extra petrol for one trip out, so will stick around the rocks at Gatetakers. If you try out front from the restaurant - at the very end of the channel into the private boat ramp- with bait and a good long cast you can sometimes get average size reefies like parrot and sweetlip.

nice one! we'll be there on saturday. not sure what time though. do you know what time the tides are?

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