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another soft plastic trip!


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decided to go down the coast again for a quick flickk. i also wanted to try out the damiki soft plastic i recieved in the mail yesturday for the afo fish of the month. i left home at 3ish and got down there at 4. the water was pretty slackk when i arrived. started throwing the lures and after a couple cast i was on to my first flatty. after caught a couple more. around 6 the tide started going out and boom i was on to a nice 29cm bream. then later on caught two big eye trevs. was a very good session. got home at around 9pm. overall i found the damiki soft plastic very effective. loved it ;) as usuall i fished around canals. ended up keeping the bream and two trevs. all the flathead was released. caught about 4 flattys all up which ranged from 43-47cm.

pictures of keeperss:



hai ho

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qbkami wrote:

Nice catch,

correct me if im wrong but with the trev's isn't it better to bleed them first up cause they taste better since there wont be much blood circulated within the meat (makes the meat a browny colour)

yeah alot of people tend to like bleeding it but for me i find it taste better without. im strange lol but i think really depends how u cook it too. :huh:

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