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Weekend of fishing with hardly any fish


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Started on friday spending an hour or 2 looking for a new O.H rod which end up buying a new shimano jewel rod with 1000 size shimano reel,4lb braid, tacklebox, a few lures and a 6ft6 10kg rovex rod. Headed back home to organise all the new gear and decieded to headed to Woody point jetty without my castnet but with my gf trying to chase a few pike for the weekends fishing. Only managed to get 3 pike and a couple of hardyheads and bait jig so changed spots and headed to shorncliffe jetty and managed to get nothing not even and decent bites on bait. Woke up saturday morning with great weather and headed out again with my gf (she wanted to catch something on here new rod). Pulled up to pine river bridge there was alot people out to do the same thing with boats everywhere and no one catching fish. tied my trust HB on had one hit and managed to catch another whiting on it.With only one fish on the board it was time to make a move to another trusty spot that always fires for me. Had lunch and waited for the last third of the run out tired to hit up Hays inlet and yet again there were a few people there aswell. Had a few cast with my trusty HB and no luck decieded to chuck out a hardyhead on small red mustad gangs and suddely i was on thinking it was a ray with just one decent run then just solid weight i was sure it was a ray then next minute i caught a glimpse of a decent flatty didnt get to measure it or weight it but i would roughly say it was around 85cm it was released to fight another day. After that i called it quits with a few hours spent outdoors on a lovely day to bad i didnt manage to hook up to more fish.

couple of pike

couple of hardys

1 flatty

1 whiting

What a shocking w.e hopefuli i can pull some decent fish on my new knife jigs on a upcoming trip to rooneys/wathumba ( fraser island).

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Shimanobwoie wrote:

not really that keen on fishing off jettys get alil bit of wind and it becomes quite hard to fish from even when using braid and then if you catch anything decent you need a pier gaff to grab the fish lol

Nice flatty

heh yeay I don't like fishing off jettys much because if you catch a big one you can't pull it up. :)


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