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Coomera Waters Session

max pwr

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Was bored last night so I decided to have a crack in the yak literally 4 doors down from my house there's some dead end canals. Have bait fished them twice previously for hours and never even a nibble but thought "bugger it" beats sitting at home. So i loaded up the yak with some jack daniels and my rods and set off around 8pm.

There were heaps of mullet jumping around and one big one jumped and almost hitting my yak and scared hell out of me! I'm always a little apprehensive fishing in the dark cos of bullies and can't help but have flashbacks of the jaws movies :S .

Anyway, started out with a bubblepop with nil results and then switched to a 4" swimming mullet in pumpkinseed which always seems to work for me and second cast landed a 29cm bream caught inbetween a pontoon and the rock walls. This was followed by 3 flatties all going right on 40cm so i was stoked! All fish were returned unharmed and was back home before 10pm.

So cool that I found a reasonably productive spot so close to home. Goes to show if you never go you never know.

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