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Finalised colour chart + special deal


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Hi ladies and gents,

have put the fishing gear away for the weekend and done a completed colour chart for the DT lures. after tinkering and changing i've arrived at the following 6 colours. These colours have proven to be the most consistent fish catchers out of the many i've tried, and have recieved the most interest and best feedback from customers so far.

So unveiling the updated colour list:

Top to bottom:






Aussie! (green and gold)



Ive also switched tail material to a flourescent krystalflash thread after taking out the snappa category in the just passed Moreton Bay Classic using the new material, it glows a bright blue when hit by any light as can be seen --^ there

I've decided to do a bit of a special this week to celebrate the completed colour list and will be offering them for 13.50 a piece for orders recieved between now and next friday 28th of may.

Have a few in stock and can always make more if run out:


Dont hesitate to send me a pm if you are interested, or email to brewatters@hotmail.com



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joel the smallest is the deepthroater at 60mm body length, i have caught a fair number of bream on them but they are on the big side when it comes to dedicated bream fishing and the bream have mainly been welcome snapper/jew bycatch.

I may release a bream model down the track, just takes a bit of R&D and testing, you'll hear about it when it happens anyway.

thanks trouty most sinking blade/vibe type lures are used from the boat but there are opportunities for landbased used as well, biggest i can think of is flathead anglers, can be quite effective putting a treble on the tail only and letting the nose dig in to the sand as they have a bit of weight to em



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