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Shultz Canal Tagging Trip 23/05/2010


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Hi again

headed to shultz again for a bit of a flick with keechie today. was quite slow today with interesting weather. it didnt know if it was gonna blow, rain, shine? anyway back to fishing. after a few hit and misses ended up snagging a decent fish :P. it stayed deep and did not want to surface with plenty of weight. hmmm? nic has had a few runs like this and lost the fish where it stays deep and does circle like a tuna ? anyway after a good 5 minutes up comes a scat at 39 cm's. is a first and a pb for me. i do not know how big they get but i have caught plenty of small ones in the net and had no idea they got this big. after a few photos it was released and we whent back to catch some bream :P after a little bit i managed to hook a bream that went 29 cm and tagged. then a little while later zzzzzzzzzzzzzz this things giving me hell. and up comes a bream at 29cm i was thinking wtf? it fought like a train. it was tagged. i then caught one at 27cm and tagged it. then again zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz this one playd up tried running me into the pilons but i managed to pull it out and it was a 30cm bream :) not huge but it went really well for its size. then nic dodged a donut just as we were leaving with a 26.5cm bream. (tagged). so thats it for today. could have been better but could have been alot worse.

thanks for reading

pat 39cm_Scat.jpg

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