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Travel Rod Recommendation


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Hey Guys,

Looking for some input for a new travel rod that fits in my suitcase.

Due to work I travel a lot. I usually take my 2 telescopic rods with me if Im posted to a place fishing opportunities.

Brought them here with me to Brisbane and after rough handling, being thrown around in the luggage bag and 3 years of fishing the lighter rod is showing signs its about to snap.

Telescopics have served me well fishing in salt and fresh across continents but I am looking at maybe getting a 3 piece or 5 piece rod this time round.

Light rod for flicking small lures around and also plastics. I am always landbased and would like to be able to get some good distance in my cast.

The spin rod will probably be paired with my Stradic 1000 or the 2500. 1 - 3kg or 2 - 4 kg is good, being able to cast light lures is my priority.

Any input very much welcome. Any price range is good.


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Mate, Shimano has both the Raider and the T-Curve travel spin rods that come in 3 piece. The raider comes in a box looking thing, and the T-Curve has it's own bag and tube.

I've got a T-Curve myself (2-5kg) matched to a Stradic CI4 and it hasn't let me down yet. Great action, wouldn't even think it's a 3 piece rod.

Retail is roughly $320 for the 2-5kg 3 Piece spin T-Curve, and around $130 for the raiders

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rosstralia46 wrote:

there is a pflueger or okuma :unsure: light 5 piece flik stik for around 80 or 100 bucks i think comes with a reel and travel case hopes this helps cheers ross

yer they're pflueger. in a purple carry case. it's like a strong foam outside. i think they're around $120 last time i saw at BCF.

hope it helps

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