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Pontoon 21 Crackjacks/Gaga Goon's


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Fishing is a sport where trends and fads constantly change, today's go-to lure is tomorrow's bargain bin find. Of the thousands of lures seen on shelves in shops, few have a reputation of being constant producers and staying at the top.

Pontoon 21 is a new kid on the block in the Australian market, but already they are racking up fish like you cant imagine!


We all love a lure that gets a fish's attention and produces strikes that make us as anglers go weak at the knee's, and the new Gaga Goon from P21 does just that! at 45mm and 55mm long it has a slim and very sexy profile like no other, couple that with paint jobs that Picasso himself would be jealous of and you have a recipe for success. Weighing 4.6grams, the Gaga Goon allows you to really punch these babies out and make long casts. Another feature is the 3D eyes, they help to make these lures so realistic you will have to do a double take when you see them swimming next to the boat, just to make sure its attached to your line!


Another lure in the Pontoon 21 stable are the Crackjacks,

The Crackjacks cover all the sizes you could want, from the finessed sized 38mm and 48mm perfectly sized to throw on ultra light line through to the larger 58mm model. One of the standout features is they suspend, when fish are spooky this allows you to pause the lure and give the fish time to check out your presentation then NAIL! it with gusto.

I want to challenge everyone to buy a lure from Pontoon 21, just to try it....But be warned once you set the hooks on that big old blue nose, I can guarantee you will become just as hooked on P21 lures as all the Bream!


all photo's courtesy of searing tackle.


Take it steezy,


Stay tuned for more reviews and some exciting pictures and videos in the near future!

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