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fishing guides around brisbane???


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all depends if i could get a business partner and i would have to study some form of business. I was almost thinking a stratos boat but that limits me to estuary so maybe a custom from viper. Something that can do the estuary work and something that could do a quick run over to moreton island and the beacons.

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Getting a custom built boat for survey is a very costly process so do a lot of research on it first.

I think there would be a great opening for a river and bay charter boat.

You would probably need to buy a charter licence as well.

Down in NSW a few years ago there was a huge loop hole in the law where you could take customers fishing but you were paid as a guide and not as a fishing charter.

This bypassed the survey requirements for the boat as the customer was paying for your guiding services and not the boat.

I am not sure if this loop hole has been closed down there now or if it exists here in QLD law but well worth checking into. :)

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i'm in the process of doing it now mate.guided services for the bay and rivers. just purchased a boat and getting it surveyed. letting you know there is a hell of alot of red tape but dont get discouraged keep working at it and dont take no for an answer ;)

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I am a production manager of a boat building company here in Brisbane and every time someone mentions survey to me I cringe. Its not hard to get the boat up to the standards for survey the costly and time consuming/frustrating part is dealing with the knobheads and the paperwork to get the right paperwork through. Alot of the survey rules are more of a "how you interpret them" kinda thing and depending on the surveyor you get it can be a painstaking process. But then again i'm dealing with quite large catamarans so a bit larger then plate boats etc. Would be awesome to be out on the bay everyday fishing for a job though! ripper of a plan. As the last post stated just don't take no for an answer and don't give up!

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