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Fishing rigs sale

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Hi all

Nor sure if these are good but. I run around to the fishing tackle shops every now & than checking out prices & looking for a bits and went into the Anaconda store & morayfield & came across these fishing rigs!!I normally picks up some Snapper Catchers for about 15 or so bucks when I came across some of the home brand Mojiko fish jigs same set-up kind of 2 or three hooks, feathers on about a one foot or 2 line clip up top NO sinker 30-60lb line 100 different colures & 5 different hook sizes 3 to 5s all ready to use throw on some lead which was about 2 to 5 bucks for for the sinkers depending on the the size you get 2 to 5 per pack. anyway "one buck each" comes in a pack as normal all wrapped around the rubber stuff. All good but at the time 40% off all Mojiko gear so fellows 60cents a pack far out I brought 10packs I not sure how good they are. As normal I seem to lose a few when & catch the plug so it doesn't seem as bad losing a dollars worth than the 15bucks a throw with the other ones. You can never have enough fishing stuff. Before someone jumps on me for promoting a shop I have no connection with the shop at all, just giving the heads up what to me was a bargain. if anyone can see them & tell is any good let me know the hooks look ok


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