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Head on down to Tuan, more specifically the Tuan esplanade. If you get there at low tide, you can walk the banks and work the channel which winds out to the sandy straits.

Very productive for flathead and whiting. Plenty of pike near the boat ramp too.

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Agreed with chonna...also maroom is good but you need to check the tides cause its a big mud flat on low. Theres always lenthals dam, or the river has fish in it...but you'll likely end up with catfish unless you get out on a boat. Could always hit up the urangan pier...its only 20min from m'bro.

Drop into freedom fishing supplies and the people there will tell you where to go.



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head 20 minutes out of town down to boonaroo, used to live there, good fishing for whitting, flathead, nice looking spot too.. if you go though watch out for the ex-victorian police sargent who is now no longer a man but a woman with poor dress sense and a large adams apple and big hiry hands.. might be right up your ally trapmister ;-)

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