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Scarborough 2-7-11


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We headed out to scarborough yesterday in a hope to redeem ourselves after some average fishing lately. Got out around 7am to slightly choppy conditions, we hung around out there for a few hours with 1 undersized grassy and 3 bream with only one a keeper, so we headed into the channel leading in to newport.

After a few minutes dad was on, i called stingray as he has a thing for catching at least one a trip, got it near the boat, i saw colour, in came his Pb flattie at 52cm.

I had a whole pillie out on a circle, noticed the rod tip move, waited and i was on, felt solid, after a few runs i noticed i had hooked my first ever tailor, had the net ready and right as we went to net it, the thing bit me off, was well over 40 cm too. Then next full pillie on gangs this time and 40 pound leader and i was on to a big freaking eel.

Things went quiet after that so called it a day,we were happy to finally be on to dome good fish. Next time ill be more prepared for tailor i think hahq.

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