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D Grubs Take On Coolum


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Bit of a late report here but I thought id chuck it up anyway.

A few weeks ago I was up at Coolum for a day and headed out for the fish trying some rock headlands and a couple of land locked little places I have been eager to hit for ages.

I was a bit gutted when I got there to find I had left my plastic bag at home. The only packets in my tackle bag was a couple of packs of unopened Damiki D Grubs I had picked up at one of the events a while ago. I had nothing against these plastics, but my confidence lure of choice presently is the the Damiki 3 Inch Armour Shads which I had stocked up on but left at home! Oh well, use what you got!

Down at the water the D grubs impressed me bagging a good half dozen fish within a 2 hour session. A friendly neighbourhood tiger or taipan (ID please) also was impressed enough to wake from hibernation and a good squiz and the plastics and the fool walking through long grass in pluggers!

One of the creeks resulted in two lost fish both getting areal. Species to be disclosed at a later date as Ill be trying to land one again soon!







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Good stuff Angus.

Bit mental walking through long grass in shorts n' thongs though... :unsure:

Tried this lure when things were quiet a few weeks ago on a resin head and first couple of casts, picked up a nice little Moses Perch.

I rate 'em!

Thanks for sharing.

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hmmm a tad earlie for snakes one would have thort... well atleast you put fish on the board, considering you left your s.p's at home... as for the snake,,, i think it is

The Keelback Snake or Fresh Water Snake

Commonly found around creeks and large bodies of water in Brisbane


my thorts anyway

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