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fishing the Pine


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Spent new years fishing the pine. 12 hours straight. put in on the low tide at about 5 pm and never got home to 6 30 am solid effort for just the pine i think. started deep up the pine cast netting to get some live baits little herring and poddy mullet. first cast looked hopefull landing a legal tailor. got a few hard hit landing few more bream and dirty catfish and lost count of the pike eels. was also fishing for bullsharks for a bit of sport. a few big runs but just couldnt get them hooks to sit. maybe next time. moved back to the mouth of the pine fishing the sandy parts which ended in a few more bream a keeper mud crab and about 6-7 shovel nose rays. and a few more eels and another bust off from what i could only assume was a bully. also lots off crabs arpound muddy and sandy blueswimmers catching them on the line. all in all a great way to welcome in the new year with solid 12 hours of entertaining fishing. time to hit bribie tomorrow. over and out

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