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One of those days.


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Yep,should have stayed in bed.That's what I was telling myself on the way back from Bribie this morning. I was looking forward to a nice morning on the kayak but alas,it turned to crap. Yesterday the weather was perfect but I had to work till lunch time so that stuffed that. No worries,loaded up the ute for a 4.00am trip to Bribie. I was greeted by rain and a stiff 15-20knt S.E. Ok,I'm not a "fine weather fisherman" so after a bit of a slug getting some mullet i paddled out to the Ripples. Baited up and what's this, my Calcutta which i just had serviced and new drag washers put in was not working.The clutch bar wouldn't engage. Trying to remain calm , i threw out the other rod only to then decide it was to crappy out there so i ducked into Pacific Harbour.After another half hour I thought "today's not the day" so back to the ute and home.Still ya get them day's.Makes the good ones all the more special. :P

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