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Heading to Fiji - Advice!!


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hey all,

ok, so I am heading to Fiji this easter holidays for two weeks of surfing, snorkelling and of course fishing mayhem. I don't really know much about the area but to say I am excited would be an understatement :woohoo: I am looking for some advice regarding gear that I should take. The other day, I bought a 30-50lb rod and am matching it with a 10 000 sized reel loaded with 50lb braid. I also purchased jigs, plastics, slugs and of course, POPPERS!!! After doing an advanced search on the forum I have read how powerful the brutes over there are so I would love to know will I be undergunned with this outfit? and how much gear am I likely to lose? I want to make sure I have enough stuff so I am not short during the trip. Would love to hear people's advice who have been to the place before and have had some experience?



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thanks Jords but probs no need to worry, we are spending the two weeks on a yacht, the guy who owns it knows plenty of spots, it has two tenders which i can go off and fish in as well! I will defs be taking other rods as well as the big one, my 4-8 and 2-4 are also coming along for a bit of fun B)

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Where are you staying??

Theres a alot of charters that go out nadi. Grab your self a few leaflets from the airport.

Fishings insane there. No matter where you are.

My dad goes back every 6 months for fishing there. We go out of lautoka. Hes got friends n family who own commerical boats throughout the western side, he jumps in with them. Hes going easter too i think.

Me n my mates are planning to go end of year too for fishing.


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Shane we are spending the holiday on a yacht with two tenders to go off and fish in.

Mate it all comes down to the fishing you will find, it will range from small red bass in the shallow reefs, to big GT's or trolling for other pelagics!!!

Take something light 1-3 or 2-4kg around a 2500 series real - maybe 6 - 10lb - and then take a couple outfits a bit bigger.

The one you listed in your first post will see you well.

I would stock up massively on plastics & jig heads - in some reefs it's like fish have never seen them before and go hard attacking plastics every cast, mind you if you fish light you will lose a lot as well hence stocking up ;)

I used the nordic stage sharpshooter, with 10lb main line with 16-20lb leader on the reefs and was great fun!!!

I actually had lighter leader to start with but fishing in shallow reefs was getting busted off too quick

I'll leave the popping advice to others on the site to comment :)

If you take an assortment of gear you'll have choices for all situations - and then use your judgement accordingly

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