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Recommendations please?


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I'm hoping I can get some recommendations from you all - I've done some fishing here and there as a youngest and have some old broken fishing gear in the shed which is in need of updating - I'd like to be able to do general fishing when away camping whether it be river or ocean being able to put the gear in the back of the fourbie.. But everything seems a bit overwhelming to be honest.

Have been looking at the following rods:

N.S Black Hole Hurricane Bass 6'6" 2 piece spin rod 2-8lbs

N.S Black Hole Hurricane Bass Micro 6'7" 2 piece spin rod 4-8lbs

Paired up with these reels:

Penn Conflict 2500

Abu Garcia Orra 2 SX 20

Daiwa Saltist Nero 4000 

I'm just not sure if i'm totally off the mark or looking in the right place.. Should I open up the choices and look at bait casting reels?

Any advice?

I know these posts are always coming along and i'm sorry if this is like watching paint dry..


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Rods seem fine. In fact Ns have a good rep. The 4000 is to big for those though. The 2500 is more suitable.

Those 2 lengths sound good for a lot kf local stuff. Skinny water fishing, kayak fishing etc. I actually love a 6.6 foot rod (my favorites in my own ranges being the 6.6 nordic stage areal, areal pro and artist). However a lot of people consider a 7 foot rod a more "all rounder".

I do not find these questions similar to paint drying but more information would help. At this stage we know you want to fish... but to be honest that is like asking what size ball you should get but we are not sure if you want to play golf or rugby. :) This might seem a strange analogy but not really... the amount of gear available which a lot of new comers find daunting is due to so many fishing applications. 

I would not look at bait cast gear yet. Stick to spin and consolidate :)

Cheers for the topic and welcome to the site. Hopefully we can help you through this early delema and then onto the catching of fish :)


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Hey Angus, thanks for the response - Appreciated..

So if i pair up the N.S Black Hole Hurricane Bass 6'6" 2 piece spin rod 2-8lbs and the Penn Conflict 2500 i should have a decent combo? Would you recommend any other reel(s) to look at? I don't want a large rod to be carting around else it will become a chore..

Basically happy to try for flathead, whiting, trout, bass on my adventures . Just want to get out and enjoy myself regardless where i end up.

Once rod and reel sorted can build up a nice tackle kit to keep me at the water.

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A 1000 to 2500 size Shimano or 2000 (or 2004, 2506 or what ever else sizings theyhave these days) in Daiwa for that rod is great with light braided line of ~6lb would be great.

A 4000 reel like the Daiwa Saltist nero is suited more to bigger fish like mackerel, tuna and snapper or spinning lures in the surf for tailor and jewfish.


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Thanks Damien..!

I've put together these products as it all fits in my price range and will give me some spare cash to buy a second rod and reel in a week or two.. but before i hit purchase can i just confirm all will be suited?

NS Black Hole Hurricane Bass Rods S-622UL
Penn Conflict 2500
Daiwa TD-Sensor Tournament Braid 150m 6ilb

Damn marketing people really hurt your head with all that technoium / magnoium / exclusive shimano material waffle..

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