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Ffffffffforkin Forkies.


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Went to NPD this morning with Mark and Tim.

After doing our shrimp traps we found a promising show on the sounder and hit the spot lock and were immediatly onto some fish. About 3 forkies to every bass :no: and the bass were either under or just 30cm so we moved to the float after waving to Dino and Glen.

We picked up more forkies to percys delight until we filled him up .

I picked up a small yella

56c81ac860c35_P2200306(640x480).jpg.cde3and Mark got a nice bass


We then moved to the tip of the island fo not even a touch so back to around the fig tree where there were a few showing on the sounder


Even though they were not showing up on the sounder we ended up with a hot bite with numerous triple hook ups but no size to them.

Finished up with 27 forkies

30 legal bass and 33 unders and one yella.

 Also Spotted a few feral pigs



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