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NPD 9/3/16 Hard Work.


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After losing the gate key and a quick phone call to Andrew we finally got on the water around 6.30 and did some shrimp traps.

We found the bass down the main straight and after 24 undersized bass and a few forkies Rick landed P3090351.thumb.JPG.1fe8ef821c9066d80e025the first legal sized fish for the day.

We kept on persevering and after 54 bass rick finally scored a legal bass and after 84 bass  I finally got on the board with a legal bass even though it was in the low 30s.


Final tally was 102 undersized bass

2 legal bass

 1 yella

1 tandan

 1 spangled perch

13 forkies

To finish off nthe day we got lost trying to find andrews workplace to return his key but al least no donut.



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