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Qld Boating Facilities Upgrades Have A Say


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Taken from FW Enewsletter


WITH the popularity and number of recreational boaties increasing across Queensland, the demand for new and improved boating facilities continues to rise.

The Queensland Government announced additional funding for boating infrastructure projects and we are seeking your feedback to help prioritise projects for the 2017–18 financial year and beyond.

Information provided during this engagement process will also form the basis for an update to the Demand Forecasting Study to be undertaken in mid-2016.

In assessing priorities the QLD Government are considering the following:

·                                 Facility location

·                                 Environmental constraints and opportunities

·                                 The nature of recreational boating in the area

·                                 Statewide equity

·                                 Access to remote areas

·                                 Costs and construction feasibility.

Stakeholder and community input is a vital part of this engagement so your feedback on boating infrastructure across the state is important.

For more information, or to take the quick survey, head to: https://www.getinvolved.qld.gov.au/gi/consultation/2802/view.html

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